Wednesday, May 18, 2011

CHANGE OF LIFESTYLE... Eating healthy, join

Life is Just Plain Sweet!

It was last January that Terry and I changed our lives.  There is no bread in our house. There are no cookies in our house. We do keep saltine crackers for emergencies...but we changed our diet.
We cleaned out the cabinets and pantry.  We cleaned out the refrigerator.  He did keep ice cream in the freezer and I put in lots of frozen blueberries.   

It was an email from Whole Foods.  I was invited to join   I did it because I love joining things and filling out forms and there were definitely a lot of those.  They wanted to know everything off my last blood work and they wanted to know what I had been eating.  I decided honesty was the best policy and I took two hours and filled it all out.  The next few days I watched a small 3 to 4 min video here and there and I learned a bunch.

We eat till we are full, but we eat correctly.  The pyramid is different.  Raw veggies and salads are on the top and you can have as much as you want. Next would be nuts and whole grains and lastly was chicken, beef, pasta etc.  Milk was not a good thing... actually dairy...but we kept our 1/4 cup of plain yogurt each day.

I like taking the yogurt and adding my Fish oil (lemon flavored) to it and shaking in my vitamin D Drops.  We cut up a banana between us and a 1/4 cup of walnuts and wow... it is the best.

If you want to try this journey...first give up sweet things and white breads and white pasta.  Make that your goal for about two to three weeks.

One recipe we changed up a bit that we love:

 1 large avocado
1 can drained and rinsed black beans or pinto beans
1/2 cup of your favorite salsa
1/4 cup chopped fresh onion
Dash of Cilantro

You mash all this up together. I use my pastry masher... and enjoy. If you do not finish it all, place plastic on it over the surface and freeze it. You can defrost it the next day to finish it off.  We love to wrap it in lettuce leaves. You will be full!

For health and strength and daily Bread,  We give you thanks, O Lord.

Laurie Pace
 "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17 –

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